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October 20, 2024 – FFRF Legal Fellow Hirsh Joshi Speaking at Metro Chicago Chapter of FFRF (Skokie, IL)

FFRF Patrick O’Reilly Legal Fellow Hirsh Joshi will be speaking at the Ethical Humanist Society, hosted by the Metropolitan Chicago Chapter of FFRF. This free event is open to the public, and will be held on October 13 at 1PM, located at 7574 Lincoln Ave, Skokie IL. Hirsh will be discussing the current state of FFRF ongoing legal battles, as well as highlighting the foundation’s recent successes. This event is in-person only, and registration is not required.

Hirsh joined FFRF in January 2024. He was raised in the Chicago suburbs and graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2019 with a B.A. in Political Science. He then graduated from the Cotton Bowl champion University of Missouri in 2023 with his Juris Doctor. Hirsh is currently licensed as an attorney in Missouri.

To learn more about the Metropolitan Chicago Chapter of FFRF, email Steven Foulkes, chapter president: [email protected].

Freedom From Religion Foundation