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July 1, 2024 – FFRF Associate Counsel Sam Grover to Discuss Louisiana Ten Commandments Lawsuit in Webinar (Virtual)

Sam Grover headshot

Join us on Monday, July 1, at 7:30 p.m. ET (6:30 p.m. CST) for an exclusive webinar to discuss the Louisiana Ten Commandment lawsuit, filed together with Americans United for Separation of Church and State, American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Louisiana and the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Our panel of speakers includes:

  • Andrew L. Seidel, Americans United
  • Dan Mach, ACLU National
  • Sam Grover, Freedom from Religion Foundation
  • Multiple plaintiffs in the case

Our experts will explain our strategy for keeping Louisiana public schools inclusive for all students and free from religious coercion. Weā€™ll share next steps in this fight, how you can support our efforts against this law and similar bills in other states, and answer your questions live!

RSVP now.

If you are unable to attend the webinar live, RSVP now to receive a recording of the discussion afterward!

Freedom From Religion Foundation