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May 16 — Secular Student Alliance 2021 Conference (Virtual Event)


FFRF Legal Director Rebecca Markert and Associate Counsel Elizabeth Cavell will present a timely discussion titled, ” ‘On the Basis of Sex:’ Civil Rights after Bostock v. Clayton County” On Sunday, May 16 at 10:30 a.m. (PDT) at the virtual Secular Student Alliance Conference.  The presentation will cover the legal background of the case, what it means for religious liberty, namely religious exemptions to the Civil Rights Act, and how that impacts civil rights moving forward particularly for transgender rights, and, of course, crucial to any discussion of civil rights progress moving forward is the issue of the make-up of the federal courts. 

The 2021 SSA conference is a multi-day virtual conference with live-streaming and on-demand video for students and the larger secular community. The conference runs May 15-16, 2021, and consists of excellent speakers, grassroots organizing workshops, and leadership training.  Please register for free today and invite a friend to join you!

Freedom From Religion Foundation