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May 6 — Secular Day of Reason “Mayday for Humanity” (Virtual Event)


Join a host of secular organizations to celebrate The National Day of Reason with the “Mayday for Humanity” Zoom event on Thursday, May 6, 2021 beginning at 4:00 PM PST/7:00 PM EST. Comedians Leighann Lord and Ian Harris will co-host this 3-hour event featuring comedians, poets, and musical performers. The National Day of Reason is the non-religious answer to the National Day of Prayer. As the religious community prays, nontheist communities across the country roll up their sleeves and get to work in support of the 2021 Secular Week of Action (April 30 – May 9). The Mayday for Humanity event provides the opportunity to participate virtually by collecting online donations to benefit shelters and food banks that serve communities in a non-discriminatory and secular manner and includes an online auction which is now open for bidding

Register for the Zoom event at: 

Pre-event donations can be made at:

Freedom From Religion Foundation