August 18 – “Does Religion Still Serve a Useful Purpose in the Modern World” (Virtual Debate)


FFRF co-president Dan Barker will debate Rabbi Barry Silver on the question of “Does religion still serve a useful purpose in the modern world” on Wednesday, August 18 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. 

This event is hosted by Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor, a congregation promoting an all-inclusive, universal, and rational approach to Judaism that honors tradition, respects science, and celebrates spirituality. Rabbi Barry Silver is a respected attorney who served from 1996 to 1998 in the Florida House of Representatives where he was named ā€œMost Effective Environmental Legislatorā€ by the Sierra Club and ā€œConsumer Championā€ by Floridaā€™s largest consumer group. Dan and Barry intend to have a lively, collegial debate focused around the utility of belief to a rational, progressive populace.

Attendees can login to Zoom here, with Meeting ID: 867 6104 1462 and Passcode: 308365. This virtual debate will include time for audience Q&A and comments, and is free and open to the public.

Freedom From Religion Foundation