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Jarvis Idowu – Paul J. Gaylor Memorial Student Scholarship

JarvisIdowuJarvis K. Idowu is the latest recipient of FFRF’s $1,000 Paul J. Gaylor Memo- rial Student Activist Award endowed by Annie Laurie Gaylor. Jarvis, who start- ed interning with FFRF in 2013 in his first year at the University of Wisconsin Law School, has taken a job with the District Attorney’s Office in Manhattan, N.Y. He received his law degree from UW in May.

Jarvis, 29, a native of Brooklyn, N.Y., founded the Secular Law Students So- ciety at UW. In his “Meet a Legal In- tern” profile in 2013, Jarvis said his loft- iest goal was “to be a district attorney by age 35 and to somehow play a role in making the 19% [nones] into the 51%.”

It seems that he’s well on his way. We will miss you, Jarvis!

Freedom From Religion Foundation