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Amy Hagstrom Miller

FFRF’s 2022 “Forward Award” honoree was Amy Hagstrom Miller, who founded Whole Woman’s Health in 2003, which are a series of clinics that provide abortion and gynecological care services, including four clinics in Texas. .She brought Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, in which the Supreme Court in 2016 ruled 5-3 that Texas can’t restrict delivery of abortion care through TRAP laws that place an undue burden on the woman. She has been chief plaintiff in the lawsuit challenging SB 8, the extreme Texas law banning abortions by six weeks and deputizing antiabortion strangers to sue anyone who “aids or abets” a pregnant person in having an abortion past that time period. Hagstrom Miller also founded the nonprofit Whole Woman’s Health Alliance in 2014, which works to remove the stigma around providing quality abortion care. The award is reserved for individuals who are moving society forward. The 2021 recipients were Margaret Atwood and Gloria Steinem.

Freedom From Religion Foundation