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Freethought Hall Library catalog

[Posted July 22, 2013]

(1989). Humanism today: the journal of the North American Committee for Humanism. New York, Humanist Institute.

(ca. 1960-1981). Women’s era/ Caravan/ Alive reprints. New Delhi, Delhi Press.

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Abelard, M. R. (1979). Physicians of no value : the repressed story of ecclesiastical flummery. Winter Park, FL, Reality Publications.

Abernathy, M. G. (1977). Civil liberties under the Constitution. New York, Harper & Row.

Abraham, H. J. (1972). Freedom and the Court; civil rights and liberties in the United States. New York, Oxford University Press.

Academy of Humanism, Ed. (1988). Neo-fundamentalism: the humanist response. Buffalo, NY, Promettheus Books.

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Acord, G. (1977). Heaven on earth. Dallas, TX, Wotta World Books.

Acquistapace, F. (1991). Miracles that never were: natural explations of the Bible’s supernatural stories. Santa Rosa, CA, Eye-Opener Books.

Adams, C. J., Ed. (1993). Ecofeminism and the sacred. New York, Continuum.

Adams, C. J. and M. M. Fortune, Eds. (1995). Violence against women and children : a Christian theological sourcebook. New York, Continuum.

Adams, H. (1918). The education of Henry Adams; an autobiography. Cambridge, MA, The Riverside Press (Houghton Mifflin Co.).

Adams, J. L. (1970). The growing church lobby in Washington. Grand Rapids MI, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

Adams, P. (1985). Adams Versus God. Melbourne, Australia, Nelson Publ.

Addams, J. (1916). The long road of woman’s memory. New York,, The Macmillan company.

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Adler, M. J. (1990). Truth in religion : the plurality of religions and the unity of truth : an essay in the philosophy of religion. New York, Collier Books, Macmillan Pub. Co. .

Ahlstrom, S. E., Ed. (1967). Theology in America; the major Protestant voices from Puritanism to Neo-orthodoxy. American Heritage Series. Indianapolis,, Bobbs-Merrill Co.

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Akerley, B. E. (1985). The X-rated Bible : an irreverent survey of sex in the Scriptures. Austin, TX, American Atheist Press.

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Albert, E. M. T. C. D. S. P. P. (1969). Great traditions in ethics; an introduction. New York, Van Nostrand.

Alexander, K. and K. F. Jordan, Eds. (1973). Constitutional reform of school finance. Lexington Books Politics of Education Series. Lexington, MA, Lexington Books (D.C. Heath & Co.).

Alexander, V. (2002). Naked singularity. Sag Harbor, N.Y, Permanent Press.

Alexander-Moegerle, G. (1997). James Dobson’s war on America. Amherst, N.Y., Prometheus Books.

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Allen, N. R., Ed. (1991). African-American humanism : an anthology. Buffalo, NY, Prometheus Books.

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Allen, S. (1989). Dumbth and 81 ways to make Americans smarter. Buffalo, N.Y., Prometheus Books.

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Allen, S. (1995). The man who turned back the clock, and other short stories. Amherst, N.Y., Prometheus Books.

Allen, S. (1996). But seriously– : Steve Allen speaks his mind. Amherst, NY, Prometheus Books.

Allen, S., R. Bernstein and D. H. Dunn (1979). Ripoff : a look at corruption in America. Secaucus, N.J., Lyle Stuart Inc.

Alley, R. S., Ed. (1985). James Madison on religious liberty. Buffalo, N.Y., Prometheus Books.

Alley, R. S., Ed. (1988). The Supreme Court on church and state. New York, Oxford University Press.

Alley, R. S. (1994). School prayer: the Court, the Congress, and the First Amendment. Buffalo, N.Y., Prometheus Books.

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Alper, M. (1998). The “God” part of the brain : a scientific interpretation of human spirituality and God. [Boulder, Colo.?], Rogue Press.

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Altemeyer, B. and B. Hunsberger (1997). Amazing conversions : why some turn to faith & others abandon religion. Amherst, N.Y., Prometheus Books.

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Distributed by Penguin USA.

Angeles, P. A., Ed. (1976). Critiques of God. Buffalo, N.Y., Prometheus Books.

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Anonymous (1869). The convent horror; or, The true narrative of Barbara, Ubryk. Aurora, MS, Menace Publishing Co.

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Anthony, S. B. (1902). History of woman suffrage 4. 1883 – 1900. Rochester, N.Y., S. B. Anthony.

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Appel, W. (1983). Cults in America : programmed for paradise. New York, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.

Appelbaum, D. and I. Kant, Eds. (1995). The vision of Kant. The spirit of philosophy series. Rockport, Mass., U.S.A. ; Shaftesbury, Dorset, Great Britain, Element Books.

Appelquist, A. R., Ed. (1969). Church, state, and chaplaincy: essays and statements on the American chaplaincy system. Washington, DC:, General Commission on Chaplains and Armed Forces Personnel.

Appleman, P. (1981). Shame the devil : a novel. New York, Crown Publishers.

Appleman, P. (1989). Apes and angels. New York, Putnam.

Appleman, P. (1991). Let there be light. New York, Harper Perennial (Harper Collins Pub.).

Appleman, P. (1996). New and Selected Poems, 1956-1996. Fayetteville, AR, Univ. of Arkansas Press.

Appleman, P. (2001). Darwin: texts commentary. New York, Norton.

Arberry, A. J. (1955). The Koran interpreted. New York, Macmillan Co.

Armitage, A. (1947). Sun, stand thou still: The life and work of Copernicus the astronomer. New York, Henry Schuman.

Armitage, A. (1961). The world of Copernicus. New York, New American Library.

Armstrong, B. (1979). The electric church. Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Inc.

Armstrong, K. (1993). A history of God : the 4000-year quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. New York, A.A. Knopf.

Arndt, W. (1955). Does the Bible contradict itself? a discussion of alleged contradictions in the Bible. St. Louis, MO, Concordia Publishing House.

Arnheim, M. (1984). Is Christianity true? Buffalo, NY, Prometheus Books [orig. Gerald Duckworth & Co., London].

Arnold, M. (1932). Culture and anarchy. Cambridge [Eng.], The University press.

Arnold, O. C. (1977). Religious freedom on trial. Valley Forge, PA, Judson Press.

Arnstein, W. L. (1983). The Bradlaugh case: Atheism, sex, and politics among the late Victorians. Columbia, MO, University of Missouri Press.

Aronson, R. (2008). Living without God : new directions for atheists, agnostics, secularists, and the undecided. Berkeley, CA, Counterpoint.

Arterburn, S. and J. Felton (1991). Toxic faith: Understanding and overcoming religious addiction. Nashville, TN, Oliver-Nelson Books (Thomas Nelson Pub.).

Ashman, C. (1977). The gospel according to Billy. Secaucus, NJ:, Lyle Stuart Inc.

Ashrawi, H. (1995). This side of peace: a personal account. New York, Simon & Schuster.

Asimov, I. (1957). Building blocks of the universe. London, New York, Abelard Schuman.

Asimov, I. (1968). Asimov’s guide to the Bible : the New Testament. New York, Avon Books

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Asimov, I. (1980). In the beginning…: science faces God in the Book of Genesis. New York, Crown Publishers.

Asimov, I. (1980). In joy still felt : the autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday.

Asimov, I. (1989). The Tyrannosaurus prescription and 100 other essays. Buffalo, NY:, Prometheus Books.

Asimov, S., Ed. (1995). Yours, Isaac Asimov : a lifetime of letters. New York, Doubleday.

Askenasy, H. (1994). Cannibalism : from sacrifice to survival. Amherst, NY, Prometheus Books.

Askin, S. (1994). The new rite: conservative Catholic organizations and their allies. Washington, DC, Catholics for a Free Choice.

Aslan, R. (2006). No god but God : the origins, evolution, and future of Islam. New York, Random House Trade Paperbacks.

Atheist magazines (1972). Atheist magazines, a sampling, 1927-1970. New York, Arno Press & The New York Times.

Attenborough, R. (1982). The words of Gandhi. New York, NY:, Newmarket press.

Atwood, M. E. (1986). The handmaid’s tale. Boston, MA:, Houghton Mifflin, Co.

Au, W. A. (1985). The cross, the flag, and the bomb : American Catholics debate war and peace, 1960-1983. New York, Greenwood Press.

Augstein, R. (1977). Jesus, Son of Man. New York, Urizen Books.

Augur, H. (1930). An American Jezebel; the life of Anne Hutchinson. New York, Brentano’s.

Aulard, A. (1966). Christianity and the French Revolution New York, Howard Fertig.

Avakian, B. (2008). Away with all Gods! : unchaining the mind and radically changing the world. Chicago, Insight Press.

Avalos, H. (2007). The end of biblical studies. Amherst, NY, Prometheus Books.

Ayer, A. J. (1952). Language, truth and logic NewYork, Dover Publ., Inc.

Azzam, A.-a.-r. (1964). The eternal message of Muhammad. New York, New American Library (a Mentor book).

Babcock, B. A., A. E. Freedman, E. H. Norton and S. C. Ross (1975). Sex discrimination and the law : causes and remedies. Boston, Little, Brown and Co.

Babinski, E. T., Ed. (1995). Leaving the fold : Testimonies of former fundamentalists. Amherst, N.Y., Prometheus Books.

Bachrach, B. S., Ed. (1972). The medieval church: success or failure? New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Baetzhold, H. G. and J. B. McCullough, Eds. (1995). The Bible according to Mark Twain : irreverent writings on heaven, Eden, and the Flood by America’s master satirist. Athens, University of Georgia Press.

Bagley, W. (2002). Blood of the prophets: Brigham Young and the massacre at Mountain Meadows. Norman, OK, University of Oklahoma Press–Norman.

Baier, K. (1958). The moral point of view: a rational basis of ethics. Ithaca, NY:, Cornell University Press.

Baigent, M. and R. Leigh (1991). The Dead Sea Scrolls deception. New York, Summit Books (Simon & Schuster).

Baigent, M., R. Leigh and L. Henry (1982). Holy blood, holy grail. New York, Delacorte Press.

Bainton, R. H. (1958). The travail of religious liberty. New York, Harper & Brothers.

Bainton, R. H. (1963). Here I stand: a life of Martin Luther. New York, New American Library.

Baird, R. M. and M. K. Baird (1995). Homosexuality : debating the issues. Amherst, N.Y., Prometheus Books.

Baird, R. M. and S. E. Rosenbaum (1988). Morality and the law. Buffalo, N.Y., Prometheus Books.

Baird, R. M. and S. E. Rosenbaum, Eds. (1992). Bigotry, prejudice, and hatred : definitions, causes & solutions. Buffalo, N.Y., Prometheus Books.

Baker, H. (1952). The wars of truth. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.

Bakk, K. R. (1989). Man and his dieties. USA, Annonymous.

Bakunin, M. God and the state. New York, Moher Earth Publishing Assoc.

Baldwin, M. (1950). I leap over the wall; contrasts and impressions after twenty-eight years in a convent. New York,, Rinehart & Co.

Bales, J. D. (1948). The roots of unbelief. Kansas City, MO, The Old Paths Book Club.

Bales, J. D. and W. Teller, Eds. (1976). The existence of God: A debate. Shreveport, LA, Lambert Book House, Inc.

Barber, B. R. (1995). Jihad vs. McWorld. New York, Times Books (Random House).

Barbour, I. G. (1966). Issues in science and religion. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall.

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Barish, L. and R. Barish (1979). Varieties of Jewish belief. Middle Village, NY:, Jonathan David, Publ.

Barker, A. J. (1973). Bloody Ulster. New York,, Ballantine Books.

Barker, D. (1992). Losing faith in faith: from preacher to atheist. Madison, WI, Freedom From Religion Foundaion, Inc.

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Barker, D. and B. Strassburg (1990). Maybe yes, maybe no : a guide for young skeptics. Buffalo, N.Y., Prometheus Books.

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Barkun, M. (1994). Religion and the racist right: origins of the Christian Identity Movement. Chapel Hill, NC:, University of North Carolina Press.

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Barnhart, J. E. (1988). Jim and Tammy: Charismatic intrigue inside PTL. Buffalo, NY:, Prometheus Books.

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