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Elizabeth Murad

1ElizabethMuradElizabeth Murad
Martin County Board
Stuart, Fla.
May 3, 2016

FFRF Member Elizabeth Murad was a nun for 13 years before leaving the Catholic Church in 1971 and becoming an atheist. She lives in Florida.

On behalf of the Humanists of the Treasure Coast, I would like to thank Martin County commissioners for inviting us to deliver today’s invocation.

Let’s begin this and every meeting with hope, reason and compassion. Let’s put aside our personal differences and work toward the greater goal of building consensus in Martin County. Let’s not be swayed by personal biases as to race, gender, politics or any of the things that may divide us.

Let’s seek to find areas of agreement and work from there rather than focus on our differences. Let our voices be strong but respectful.

We are a Christian, Jewish, Muslim, humanist and atheist nation of people. We are a secular nation, with plenty of room for all of us in our beliefs and convictions.
So let’s avoid the pitfalls that seem to swallow up so many political bodies. Let’s envision a county dedicated to the well-being of all of our citizens.

Finally, let’s show the world, or at least Florida, that we can disagree without rancor, name-calling or denigration of other views.

Thank you.


Freedom From Religion Foundation