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Watch FFRF’s video year in review

Year In Review

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is pleased to share with you our video report of highlights from this year — including legal and strategic. It features an inside glimpse of FFRF’s year to date, with a variety of brief and timely reports, short cameo “candids” from many of FFRF’s 27 staffers, a stellar legal report from Legal Director Rebecca Markert and other attorneys, and from Strategic Response Director Andrew Seidel and his team.

Despite the pandemic, it’s been a terrific year for FFRF in the courts, in the court of public opinion and in other achievements.

Our best source of new members is current members — you. Feel free to share this link with a colleague who might be interested in knowing more about the nation’s largest association of freethinkers (atheists and agnostics) working productively as a state/church watchdog.

The video report debuted at last weekend’s “Covid Convention,” attended by nearly 300 of you, followed by a live Membership Meeting with 229 members. By the way, elected or re-elected to two-year terms as State Representatives are:

Bob Arekapudi (IL), Dan Barker (WI), Darrell Barker (WA), Charles Bender (IN), Sheri Bender, (IN), Lance Bredvold (MT), Robin Buckallew (NE), Chris Calvey (IL), Tom Cara (IL), Dianne Centa (OH), Michael Cermak (PA), Sheridan Chapin (NY), Dianne Cooper, (IA), Margaret Downey, (PA), Ken Eck (MN), Zenos Frudakis (PA), Annie Laurie Gaylor (WI), Kevin Gough (CT), Ed Hensley (KY), Mikel Hensley (KY), Stephen Hirtle (PA), Cheryl Hofbauer (IL), Ken Hofbauer (IL), George Iddon (WA), Julie Iddon (WA), Linda Josheff (WI), Sue Kocher (NC), Cheryl Kolbe (OR), Marc-Andre Lachance (ON), Aleta Ledendecker (TN), Philip Lentz (AZ), Steven Lowe (DC), Douglas Marshall (MI), Rob Moore (WI), Stefanie Moritz (WI), Paul Novak (IA), Todd Peissig (WI), Randy Pelton (OH), Judy Saint (CA), Steve Salemson (WI), Tom Schottmiller (PA), Sue Schuetz (WI), Nick Sheridan (MD), Jane Shoup (WI), Stefan Shoup (WI), Steve Solomon (MO), Claudette St.Pierre (CO), Bonnie Stormo (SD), Gary Stormo (SD), Steve Trunk (CA), Tom Waddell (ME), David Williamson (FL), Jocelyn Williamson (FL), James Zerwick (WI) 

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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