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Supreme Court lets stand vaccine requirement for health care workers

Supreme Court

The Freedom From Religion Foundation praises the U.S. Supreme Court for denying a request from religious anti-vaxxers to block a Covid-19 vaccine mandate.

Without opinion, a 6-3 majority of the justices voted to deny the emergency injunction request challenging New Yorkā€™s requirement that certain health care workers receive a Covid-19 vaccine. Only Justices Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito would have granted the injunction against New York health officials and the governor.

ā€œEven this ultraconservative Supreme Court has allowed science and reason to prevail,ā€ comments FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. ā€œThankfully, the secular fight against the pandemic was not weakened today.ā€

In two cases against New York officials, doctors and nurses claim that their religion does not allow them to receive a Covid-19 vaccination. They believe ā€œabortion in any formā€ is wrong and they oppose vaccination because the vaccines allegedly use abortion-derived fetal cell lines in production or testing.

Gorsuch wrote a baffling dissent, joined by Alito. Based on comments from New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, Gorsuch argued that New York acted out of ā€œanimosityā€ toward unorthodox religious beliefs and practices. Hochul had commented at a press conference in September that the state intentionally omitted a religious exemption from its health care vaccination requirements.

Gorsuch also found fault with the language of the requirements, saying that they were apparently ā€œspecifically directed at the applicantsā€™ unorthodox religious beliefs and practices.ā€

ā€œThis is like saying stop signs are specifically directed at religious drivers,ā€ responds FFRF Senior Counsel Patrick Elliott. ā€œTo nitpick every remark of the governor in an attempt to claim that a general rule is targeting religion is to engage in an absurd exercise.ā€

Despite the courtā€™s denial of an injunction request today, other vaccine employment cases remain pending before courts throughout the country.

Photo by Rena Child via Shutterstock

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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