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Register & Vote like your secular rights depend on it . . . because they do

Secular Vote

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is proud that more than 98 percent of its members are registered voters. Nevertheless, with an election year in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic, it is strongly advised that secular voters and prospective voters should make a voting plan now. Figure out when, where and how you will vote.

First, make sure youā€™re registered! Check out details on registering and voting at your local governmental websites or at

If youā€™re concerned about risking your health by voting in person on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3, here are other options:

Vote by mail
In a majority of states, you may vote by mail but must request a mailed ballot. Check out details at your local governmental websites or at

Exceptions: You will automatically be sent a ballot by mail if you live in Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Jersey, Vermont, Hawaii and District of Columbia. You must have an ā€œexcuseā€ to request an absentee ballot in: New York, Indiana, Tennessee, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana or Texas. (But donā€™t be discouraged. In many of these states, such as Texas, being 65 or older qualifies as an excuse.)

Make sure your vote gets counted
When you receive your absentee ballot, please fill it out and mail back as soon as youā€™re allowed to ā€” and no later than eight days prior to the Nov. 3 election. Understandably concerned about current problems with the U.S. Postal Service? Find out if you live in a state that allows you to drop off your completed ballot at a designated site or early voting site.

Vote early to avoid crowds
Put on a mask and vote early in person. Most states provide walk-in and curbside options. Early voting should also ease lines on Election Day.

Let healthy colleagues know poll workers are needed
Please let healthy, low-risk colleagues or family members know that there is a shortage this year of poll workers, since many senior citizens who typically fill the ranks of poll workers are bowing out due to concerns about COVID-19 risks. Poll workers receive pay (with bonus pay in many states). Poll workers count mailed-in ballots as well as in-person ballots and help ensure that all votes count.

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Weā€™re secular and we vote!


Freedom From Religion Foundation

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