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(Photograph) FFRF’s “God fixation” caveat flies in Tampa

Please view photograph below of the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s election-year caveat, a billboard that went up Thursday in time to greet GOP convention-goers in Tampa, on Kennedy Boulevard, 50 feet west of Arrawana Street. (The same message will be going up on two billboards in Charlotte in time for the Democratic National Convention next week.)Ā 

(Please do not confuse FFRF’s billboard message with that of another atheist group, which tried unsuccessfully to place a very different message in Tampa, and which has voluntarily removed its billboards in Charlotte. This is the second presidential election in a row in which FFRF has placed billboards at both convention sites promoting secular government.)

For more details, read FFRF’s earlier full press releases:

‘Act of God’ doesn’t stop atheist message in TampaĀ 

FFRF brings election-year caveat to RNC, DNC

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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