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New York freethinkers group displays FFRF banner in park

The Freethinkers of Hastings-on-Hudson, a group from the village in New York, put up the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s “Reason’s Greetings” banner in a public park last week. It is the second year the group has put up the display during the December holiday season.

The local group also displayed its own sign, which depicts Rodin’s “The Thinker” contemplating the village’s water tower, near the FFRF banner in VFW Park. A Festivus pole, invented and made famous by the TV show “Seinfeld,” is also in the park between the two signs.

The secular displays have been put up to counter two religious holiday displays traditionally hosted in the park: a Catholic church’s nativity scene and a menorah put up by the Chabad. The nativity shelter currently sits empty, while the electrically lighted menorah is to the right of that.

FFRF, a state/church watchdog, has nearly 23,000 members, including more than 1,200 in New York.


Freedom From Religion Foundation

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