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N.C. charter school to address violations after FFRF intervention

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has persuaded a North Carolina charter school to address numerous constitutional violations. 

A Winston-Salem, N.C., resident reported to the state/church watchdog that Quality Education Academy is a public charter school being run like a private Christian school, regularly promoting religion to its students. The complainant reported that each Wednesday, the academy holds a schoolwide assembly where the entire school population prays together and chants ā€œWe believe in God.ā€ All students were reportedly expected to participate in this religious exercise.

Additionally, prayer was also apparently a regular part of official Quality Education Academy events. For example, an awards ceremony that took place last November opened with a Christian prayer:

Please bow your head and close your eyes. Dear Heavenly Father, we come for you today and thank you for everything you have given us. I ask for each and every person here to keep safely. In Jesusā€™ name I do pray, amen.

The fact that the school was being run like a Christian school was confirmed by the official parent/student handbook. Quality Education Academyā€™s mission refers to developing each studentā€™s ā€œspiritualā€ potential to the fullest and mentions utilizing ā€œchurches in the education of children.ā€ The handbook explicitly states, ā€œWe the students of QEA believe in God.ā€ The handbook even includes a list of ā€œTen Commandments,ā€ the first of which is ā€œWe believe in GOD, the creator of all things.ā€

It is well-settled law that a charter school receiving public taxpayer funding may not use those funds to advance or endorse religion. Furthermore, North Carolinaā€™s laws governing charter schools are clear on this matter, stating that ā€œa charter school shall be nonsectarian in its programsā€¦ and all other operations.ā€ FFRF Legal Fellow Christopher Line wrote to the district alerting it to the illegality of its practices and policies.

ā€œQuality Education Academy must provide a secular environment to its students,ā€ Line wrote to school CEO Simon Johnson. ā€œIt must ensure that the school is not promoting prayer, religious programming or religious indoctrination.ā€

The charter school has responded to FFRFā€™s requests with assurances that the school has addressed these violations.

ā€œWe have conferred with our legal counsel and understand that faculty and staff are not permitted to lead any form of prayer or religious activities during the instruction day,ā€ the district wrote to FFRF. ā€œQuality Education shall take all reasonable efforts to remain in compliance with federal and state legal laws.ā€

FFRF is pleased the district has taken the complaint seriously and hopes it will continue to address these issues to ensure its studentsā€™ rights of conscience are not being infringed.

ā€œThe laundry list of violations occurring at Quality Education Academy was extensive and egregious,ā€ comments FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. ā€œSchools cannot waste valuable instructional time indoctrinating students with religious prayer, especially not on taxpayer dollars.ā€

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a national nonprofit organization with more than 31,000 members and several chapters across the country, including over 600 members and a chapter in North Carolina. FFRFā€™s purposes are to protect the constitutional principle of separation between church and state, and to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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