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House repeals Trump travel ban, as FFRF has been urging


The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a crucial bill overturning President Trump’s infamous travel ban.

The NO BAN Act repeals, in a bipartisan 233-183 vote, the president’s existing executive order blocking travel from several majority Muslim countries and prevents such a baseless, discriminatory travel prohibition from being implemented again. The NO BAN Act is one of the key legislative initiatives of the Freedom From Religion Foundation and the Congressional Freethought Caucus..

The NO BAN Act is particularly important to FFRF, which has helped several atheists flee death sentences from Muslim-majority countries targeted by the ban. Just as the Constitution bars a religious test for public office, we believe it also bars a religious test for immigration or citizenship. We know that the ban precedent will ultimately be used against nonbelievers.

Our legal team helped fight Trump’s bigotry in court, and we’ve carried this fight to Congress. The ban is directly at odds with James Madison’s vision of the United States as “a home for people fleeing from religious and political persecution from all over the world.” FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor says: “The NO BAN Act reaffirms those ideas and the promise of American freedom, and this is a step in the right direction. But the fight is not over.”

FFRF will never stop fighting.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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