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Help FFRF support young freethinkers of color!

FFRF is launching a campaign this summer to support young freethinkers of color and we need your help!

While atheists, agnostics and skeptics are often misrepresented as privileged, the fact is that freethinkers of all backgrounds experience deep discrimination.

Freethinkers of color in particular have undergone discrimination, punishment, and even exile from their families for coming out of the closet as an atheist or agnostic in heavily religious communities.

FFRF is shining a light on their experiences through a new video highlighting three freethinking students of color.

We need your help to promote their stories far and wide. FFRF will also be placing a series of billboards featuring these three freethinkers later this summer.

Become a member of FFRF or make a generous donation of any amount today to help our campaign go viral!

Your support will also help FFRF award students of color essay scholarships this summer. Over the past several years, FFRF has paid out more than $10,000 in annual award money to freethinking college students of color, who write essays critiquing religion and overcoming discrimination. This year, prizes have increased, so a minimum of $15,400 will be distributed to these exceptional students.

Essay entries for the contests may be submitted through July 15. Please share the essay contest information with any freethinking students might wish to participate.

Together we can support more Millennial and Gen Z freethinkers as they come out of the closet.

Thank you!

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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