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Help FFRF’s work go ‘viral’ — Help us turn back the clock on Christian Nationalism

Judicial Doomsday

Dear Friend of Freethought:

You might say the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s work went viral this year! Despite this “annus horribilis,” it’s actually been a terrific year for FFRF in the courts, in the court of public opinion and for our growth and accomplishments. (Please see attached annual year in review.)

But we’ve seen how the infection of religion — and political deference to religion — continues to sabotage rational response to the pandemic in the United States. Just last week, a majority of ultraconservatives on the Supreme Court, emboldened by the addition of Amy Coney Barrett, enjoined a New York state pandemic policy limiting church gatherings during a COVID-19 spike. Dissenting Justice Sonia Sotomayor properly warned: “Justices in this court play a deadly game in second guessing the expert judgment of health officials.”

Although our nation and FFRF have just dodged a bullet with the national election, last week’s decision shows how endangered the principle of state/church separation is. Religious zealots and judicial lightweights, hand-selected by the Federalist Society for their Religious-Right credentials, have not just seized control of our high court, but now also comprise a quarter-plus of our federal judiciary. The shameless packing of the courts with Christian Nationalist ideologues by the Trump presidency imperils many civil liberties.

FFRF is dedicated to unpacking, correcting and rebalancing the courts — those lifetime appointments that will haunt us for more than one generation, and which will certainly endanger our secular government and FFRF’s future legal work if left unchecked. As a state/church watchdog and the nation’s largest association of freethinkers, atheists and seculars, FFRF is in a prime position to fight back. Our team of 10 attorneys, our full-time governmental affairs director in D.C., and our strategic response team are working with many allies including the Congressional Freethought Caucus.

Help FFRF ensure that reason and our secular Constitution will prevail. Please consider an end-of-the-year gift on this Giving Tuesday to FFRF.

Thank you and stay safe,


Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor
Freedom From Religion Foundation

FFRF, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, has received Charity Navigator’s four-star rating for 10 years in a row. Additional ways to help include naming FFRF in your estate planning, giving through the Combined Federal Campaign or your company’s matching gifts. Those who are 70 1/2 or older may deduct from taxable income direct donations of up to $100,000 given to FFRF from your IRA account under the IRS’ charitable rollover provision.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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