FFRF’s ‘Quit the Catholic Church’ ad runs July 4 in LA Times

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is taking its provocative full-page ad, “It’s Time to Quit the Catholic Church,” to the Los Angeles Times on Wed., July 4. In the ad, FFRF, a state/church watchdog and the nation’s largest atheist/agnostic association with over 18,500 members including more than 2,700 in California, urges liberal and nominal Roman Catholics to “quit” their church over its war against contraception.

“Supporting a separation between religious dogma and government is truly patriotic,” noted Dan Barker, FFRF co-president, about the timing.

FFRF warns “liberal and nominal” Catholics that their church is “launching a ruthless political Inquisition in your name.”

“Will it be reproductive freedom, or back to the Dark Ages? Do you choose women and their rights, or Bishops and their wrongs?” FFRF urges readers to “Join those of us who put humanity above dogma.”

More than 40 Roman Catholic institutions around the country have filed suit against the HHS contraceptive mandate, which assures that FDA-approved prescription contraception will be available to women employees without a co-pay, along with a variety of other preventative health services. HHS’ contraceptive mandate is due to go into effect in August — now that the Supreme Court has approved the Affordable Care Act.

Responding to a formal two-week campaign ending on July 4 against the mandate by the Roman Catholic hierarchy, FFRF has placed red-white-and-blue billboards saying “Quit the Church: Put Women’s Rights Over Bishops’ Wrongs.” View a video by the New York Post of FFRF’s Times Square billboard. Other billboards were placed in St. Louis and Dallas-Fort Worth where dioceses are suing HHS.

FFRF has also placed about a thousand 30-second TV spots promoting state/church separation, recorded by former Catholic Julia Sweeney, actress and playwright of “Letting Go of God.” View ad and listing of where the ads are currently running through July 4.

Today’s ad is similar to the full-page ad that appeared in The New York Times in March, and The Washington Post and USA Today in May.

“As a member of the ‘flock’ of an avowedly antidemocratic Old Boys Club, isn’t it time you vote with your feet? Please, exit en Mass,” requests the ad.

View an advance copy of Los Angeles Times ad.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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