Photo: FFRF member Geoff Snyder stands with the Bill of Rights “nativity” scene he put up in the County-City Building in South Bend, Ind.
After getting approval, the Freedom From Religion Foundation has set up a Bill of Rights “nativity” scene, adjacent to a Christian nativity scene, in the County-City Building in South Bend, Ind.
When it was learned that St. Joseph County allowed the Christian nativity scene to be prominently displayed in the lobby of the County-City Building, FFRF made a written request on Dec. 17 to put up its display and an accompanying explanatory description in a similarly visible area in the building.
Once FFRF received permission, FFRF member Geoff Snyder erected the display Wednesday morning.
Both the Bill of Rights display and the crèche, which includes a sign describing the religious scene, are easily visible from both inside the lobby and outside the building, since it is placed near a large floor-to-ceiling window.
FFRF’s display and the Christian nativity will remain up until Jan. 5, 2016.
FFRF, a state/church watchdog, has 23,000 members, including 350 in Indiana.