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FFRF runs full-page ad in Tulsa & Wichita debunking anti-abortion claims

1WhatdoesthebiblereallyThe Freedom From Religion Foundation will be running a full-page ad in Sunday’s Tulsa (Okla.) World and Wichita (Kan.) Eagle asking the question, “What does the bible really say about abortion?”

The answer is (as the ad puts it): “There is no biblical justification for the assault on women’s reproductive rights.”

The advertisement features a compelling portrait of birth control crusader Margaret Sanger, and her quote: “No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body.” It documents that the bible does not condemn abortion and, in fact, “shows an utter disregard for human life.” The ad reminds the reader: “We live under a secular Constitution that wisely separates religion from government, and protects women’s reproductive rights.”

The ad is funded and was largely written by Brian Bolton, a retired professor and Life Member of FFRF, in memory of FFRF’s principal founder Anne Nicol Gaylor (1926-2015), who was propelled into freethought activism by her experiences working to legalize abortion in the late 1960s and early ’70s. Gaylor observed that the battle for women’s rights “would never end” until the root cause of women’s oppression, “religion and its control of our government,” is challenged.

The ad refers the reader for more information to Bolton’s article, “God is So Not Pro-Life” and FFRF’s nontract “What Does the Bible Say About abortion?”

The ad first debuted earlier this spring in the Austin American-Statesman and will appear later this month in the Houston Chronicle.

FFRF warmly thanks Brian Bolton, who lives in Texas, for his generous support and commitment. Bolton additionally sponsors FFRF’s annual graduate student essay contest.

For more information on bible sexism and its reach into civil law, also see Woe to the Women: The Bible Tells Me So, by Annie Laurie Gaylor, published by FFRF.


Freedom From Religion Foundation

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