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FFRF pro-choice NY Times ad faults religion


The Freedom From Religion Foundation has run a full-page ad today in The New York Times proclaiming that abortion rights can only be secured by honoring the separation of state and church.

The dramatic ad depicts a stark image of the Statue of Liberty transformed into a ā€œHandmaidā€ who is holding a help sign instead of a torch. The image is drawn by Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Steve Benson. Headlined ā€œIt could happen here. It is happening here,ā€ the ad warns that Roe v. Wade and privacy rights are in grave peril due to emboldened Christian Nationalists.

The ad has appeared in Tuesdayā€™s edition, to be followed later by a digital Times ad campaign.

ā€œMany groups are laudably working for reproductive rights,ā€ says Annie Laurie Gaylor, FFRF co-president. ā€œBut the root cause of the denial of those rights is religious in nature. Thatā€™s why the battle for reproductive liberty will never be secure if we allow politicians to impose their personal religious views on the rest of us.ā€

FFRFā€™s ad notes that organized opposition to abortion and contraceptive rights is exclusively religious in nature, predicated on the unscientific, religious concept of ā€œensoulment,ā€ a view most Americans reject.

The ad links to FFRFā€™s myth-dispelling brochure, ā€œWhat the bible says about abortion.ā€

ā€œDonā€™t let narrow-minded theocrats destroy our rights, our lives, our secular laws, Constitution and nation . . . Support FFRF in our work for emancipation from religious dogma,ā€ FFRF urges.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a national state/church watchdog organization with more than 31,000 nonreligious members and several chapters all over the country.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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