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FFRF Offers Reward to Solve Hate Crime

The Freedom From Religion Foundation today announced it is offering a $1,000 award to anyone coming forward with information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator(s) of a hate crime directed against the Foundation and gays. The Foundation's "Keep Religion OUT of Government" billboard on the 2600 block of North Avenue, Grand Junction, Colo., was defaced, apparently last weekend. A vandal X'ed out the word "religion," and painted in the word "fag."

"This is a hate crime directed both at the nonreligious and at gays—it's a perversion of our message honoring a precious constitutional principle," said Foundation Co-President, Annie Laurie Gaylor.

"The hate crime shows how important it truly is to 'keep religion out of government'—to keep homophobic dogma and blasphemy laws off of our civil statutes."

Anyone with information is encouraged to phone the Foundation, at 608-256-8900, so we may solve this crime.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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