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FFRF offers $30,000 in student essay contests

Once again the Freedom From Religion Foundation is offering students an essay scholarship competition in 2016, giving away more than $30,000 in cash prizes to the winners.

Three separate school-level competitions (high school, college, graduate/mature student) will feature a total of four different essay contests.

FFRF offered its first student competition in 1979, added a separate contest for college-bound high school seniors in 1994, and then in 2010 launched a contest for graduate/”older” students (ages 25-30). This year, FFRF will be sponsoring two parallel contests for college students ā€” one to engage freethinking students of color, the other with a general topic open to all.

Awards are: $3,000 first place, $2,000 second place, $1,000 third place, $750 fourth place, $500 fifth place and $400 for sixth place. Several $200 “honorable mentions” may be awarded at judges’ discretion.

In the William J. Schulz High School Senior Essay Competition, students are asked to select from one of these two topics: “The challenges of growing up a freethinker” or “Why Boy Scouts of America should welcome atheists and nonbelievers.”

In the Michael Hakeem Memorial College Essay Competition, students can choose either “Why I am a freethinker” or “Why I am a freethinker of color.” Each of those will have their own set of winners.

And in the Brian Bolton Graduate/”Older” Student Essay Competition, essayists will write about the timely “Why God and Politics/Government Are a Dangerous Mix.”

Please publicize FFRF’s important outreach to the next generation at your local high schools, colleges and universities, and to the students in your life.

For full rules, eligibility and deadlines, please click here.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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