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FFRF & dozens of other groups decry Christian Nationalist legislative drive

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A major stealth campaign to legally enshrine Christianity in states all over the country is being forced into the public eye, thanks to dozens of leading constitutionally minded groups, such as the Freedom From Religion Foundation. 

ā€œProject Blitzā€ is a coordinated national effort by the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation and others to incorporate Christian nationalism in state laws across the country. It promotes a three-tiered framework of state bills intended to incrementally redefine religious freedom to tear down the separation of church and state, with each tier laying the groundwork for the next. 

Religious freedom is a fundamental American value, FFRF and the 42 other organizations, which range from American Atheists to Muslim Advocates, maintain in a joint statement spotlighting Project Blitz.

ā€œThe separation of church and state ā€¦ is the linchpin of religious freedom and a hallmark of our democracy,ā€ the statement asserts. ā€œIt ensures that each person has the right to choose whether to practice a religion or be nonreligious without pressure from the government.ā€ 

But Project Blitz is out to breach the wall of separation.

ā€œAn alarming effort is underway to harness the power of the government to impose its faith onto everyone else, including our public school students,ā€ the statement contends. ā€œThis effort seeks to transform religious freedom into a sword that can be used to harm others, undermining important civil rights protections and health care access, especially for women, LGBTQ people, those of minority faiths, and the nonreligious.ā€

Therefore, FFRF and other secular organizations urge legislators across the nation to oppose Project Blitz and similar efforts. America is stronger when the government gives no set of religions or beliefs more power or preference than any other ā€” and when everyone is welcome and treated equally under the law.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is proud to be part of this combined initiative, organized by Americans United for Separation of Church and State, to preserve our secular values and ensure that the nefarious ā€œProject Blitzā€ project to undermine our Constitution doesnā€™t succeed. A list of the 43 signatories is available at the end of the statement.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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