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FFRF continues to spread a secular message in metropolitan Chicago

The Freedom From Religion Foundation — with the able assistance of its Metropolitan Chicago chapter — has placed its annual secular holiday exhibits all over the greater Chicago area to counter Christian nativity scenes on public property.


A new colorful banner invoking the Founders has been unfurled in Daley Plaza. It greets everyone with a “Bill of Rights Nativity” designed by Jacob Fortin and picturing Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and the Statue of Liberty gazing in adoration at a “baby” Bill of Rights. Declaring “Joy to the World — The Bill of Rights is Born,” the banner reads: “During this festive season, let us celebrate reason, not superstition. Happy Bill of Rights Day, and Merry Winter Solstice.” This is the ninth year FFRF has placed a display here, intended to counter a life-size Christian creche.


FFRF has also erected a Bill of Rights cutout at Cook Memorial Park in Libertyville, the fourth year that a freethought exhibit has been displayed at this site. A sign next to the cutout reads, “At this season of the Winter Solstice, join us in honoring the Bill of Rights, adopted on December 15, 1791, which reminds us that there can be no religious freedom without the freedom to dissent. Keep religion and government separate!” A life-size Christian creche and an 8-foot tall menorah have been placed in the park for several years.


The third spot to be graced by an FFRF display is the North School Park in Arlington Heights, its 10th year here.


An all-new display configuration has gone up in Glenview Village Hall featuring a banner about the Winter Solstice saying “Reason’s Greetings” is topped by a large lighted Richard Dawkins-inspired “A” (for atheism and agnosticism) sign.

The displays embody the commitment of members of the state/church watchdog, who put together such installations in their hometowns to counter religious tableaus on public land. FFRF helps out by providing the materials. With the assistance of its ever-watchful membership, the Freedom From Religion Foundation is making freethought’s presence felt around the country during the holidays — especially when there’s religious intrusion into the public sphere.

All three of the FFRF secular displays will be available for public viewing through the New Year, except the Daley Plaza display, which will be up until December 22.

“With our secular population becoming an important part of the American landscape, we feel it is important to make our message visible and to remind the public that the Winter Solstice (Dec. 21) is a natural holiday that can be celebrated by all,” says FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor.

FFRF wishes to thank the members that helped make this possible — yet again.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is the largest national association of freethinkers (atheists and agnostics) with over 35,000 members and several chapters all over the country, including more than 1,100 members and the Chicago chapter in the state of Illinois. The organization works to protect the constitutional separation between religion and government. FFRF thanks the volunteers who placed these signs and got the permits, including Chapter Director Tom Cara, Bob Hunter, Shane Stapley and Josh Ticho, and FFRF graphic artists Roger Daleiden and Jake Swenson for banner designs.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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