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FFRF, ACLU of Florida prevail: Kissimmee prayer proclamation revised

1SupremeCourt day-of-prayer 082218

The national Freedom From Religion Foundation and the ACLU of Florida are greeting with approval a revision of a proclamation that had promoted prayer by city officials in Kissimmee, Fla.

The ACLU of Florida and its Central Florida Chapter, along with FFRFā€™s chapter, the Central Florida Freethought Community, have additionally announced they will be presenting a proclamation and presentation on the importance of the Establishment Clause and the separation of state and church to the city commission on Tuesday, Sept. 4.

Following several letters including a joint letter and open records request filed by both groups, the city of Kissimmee has announced itā€™s issuing a ā€œcorrected proclamation for 40 days of celebration of life, love and family.ā€ The original proclamation ā€œinvite[s] all residents to join them in this celebration by praying.ā€ A call to prayer event for Aug. 21 was also announced with the appearance of city sponsorship or endorsement.

The city has just issued a press release noting that it had ā€œpresented various members of the regions faith-based communityā€ with the proclamation, initiated by members of Decretos, Inc. The city said it was not their intention that the ā€œcity officialsā€™ actions and comments were interpreted as promoting a religious message and advancing religion over nonreligion.ā€ The city also properly distanced itself from the prayer event in a city-owned park, saying that it is not a sponsor and has not used city resources to promote one religion over another.

ā€œThe city apologizes for any confusion the cityā€™s actions may have caused the public, and the city of Kissimmee does not endorse or support any single religion or faith-based organization.ā€

FFRFā€™s original letter to the city noted that most of the proclamation was secular and even laudable, but should not have included language promoting prayer and excluding nonbelievers.

ā€œWeā€™re delighted that Kissimmee officials have listened to our concerns,ā€ said FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. ā€œAs James Madison wisely put it, ā€˜Religion and government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together.ā€™ā€

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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