Charity rating group certifies FFRF as cream of the crop

2019 Charity Nav

The country’s premier nonprofit charity rating organization has just attested that the Freedom From Religion Foundation belongs to an amazingly exclusive club.

“We are proud to announce Freedom From Religion Foundation has earned our 10th consecutive four-star rating,” Charity Navigator President and CEO Michael Thatcher recently informed FFRF in a letter. “Only 2 percent of the charities we evaluate have received at least 10 consecutive four-star evaluations, indicating that Freedom From Religion Foundation outperforms most other charities in America. This exceptional designation from Charity Navigator sets Freedom From Religion Foundation apart from its peers and demonstrates to the public its trustworthiness.”

That’s not all. Charity Navigator has placed FFRF in the tiny fraction of charities attaining a 100 percent accountability and transparency score. “Less than 1 percent of the thousands of charities rated by Charity Navigator have earned perfect scores,” says the organization’s website. FFRF is, in fact, only one of three charities in the human and civil rights category with a 100 percent rating.

Even in comparison with other reputable charities, FFRF emerges ahead. For instance, it has a better score than either the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence or the Electronic Privacy Information Center, both highly regarded nonprofits.

FFRF is elated at this mark of confidence.

“We consider ourselves responsible stewards of our members’ money, and we’re delighted that Charity Navigator has confirmed that,” says FFRF Co-President Dan Barker. “It’s affirming to have this assurance for our supporters about how careful FFRF is in utilizing their contributions for important work.”

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is the country’s largest freethought organization, with 30,000 nonreligious members and several chapters all across the country.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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