Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?

“Abuse Your Illusions”

Abuse Your Illusions: The Disinformation Guide to Media Mirages and Establishment Lies, the just-issued third “Disinformation” anthology edited by journalist Russ Kick, includes a chapter, “Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?”, written by Dan Barker of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Among the 44 contributors, who include investigative journalists, reseachers, commentators, dissidents and academics, are Howard Zinn, Paul Krassner, Greg Palast, Thomas Szasz, and Howard Bloom.

Barker’s article, showing that the legend of the bodily resurrection of Jesus was an exaggeration of a later group of Christians, appears in the section “Beliefs.” Other articles in that section include “Islamic Censorship” by Howard Bloom, “The Virgin of Medjugorje” by Jonathan Levy, the hilarious (and chilling) “L. Ron, Sirhan, Manson and Me” by Paul Krassner, and the shocking “Mormon Racism: Black is Not Beautiful” by Richard Abanes.

The book is the third in a series, following the successful You Are Being Lied To and Everything You Know is Wrong (which includes “Why Women Need Freedom From Religion” by Freethought Today editor Annie Laurie Gaylor).

The oversized softcover book, 350 pages, retails for U.S. $24.95. ISBN 0-9713942-4-5. The book is available now at bookstores nationwide and online.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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