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ABC refuses to air patriotic FFRF JFK ad during Thursday debate

Two TV commercials produced by the Freedom From Religion Foundation have been rejected for airing by ABC during the Democratic debate taking place in Houston on Thursday, Sept. 12.

FFRF first tried to purchase time from ABC to run its iconic TV spot featuring Ron Reagan endorsing FFRF and describing himself as ā€œan unabashed atheist . . . not afraid of burning in hell.ā€ Major networks have refused to run the 30-second spot since it was produced in 2014, including ABC, NBC, CBS and even Science Discovery. (MSNBC, Comedy Central and CNN have run the ad, and itā€™s airing this week and next on ā€œThe Daily Show.ā€)

ā€œEvery year we ask the major networks to reconsider and run our commercial,ā€ explains FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. ā€œWe were disappointed, but not surprised, when ABC once again refused to run the Reagan endorsement spot.ā€

But, Gaylor says, she was shocked that ABC next rejected a commercial largely featuring a video excerpt of a famous speech by John F. Kennedy. As a presidential candidate, JFK gave a talk to a gathering of Protestant ministers in Houston in 1960, intending to allay their fears that as a Catholic he would be beholden to the Vatican rather than to the Constitution.

In his strong remarks in favor of secular government, JFK said: ā€œI believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute.ā€ FFRFā€™s commercial leads with footage from his speech, then states: ā€œLetā€™s restore respect for Americaā€™s secular roots. Help the Freedom From Religion Foundation defend the wall of separation between state and church. Join us at FFRF.ORG. Freedom depends on freethinkers.ā€

The ad concludes with the strains of ā€œLet freedom ring,ā€ as FFRFā€™s emblematic image appears of a Lincoln penny with the words ā€œIn Reason We Trustā€ instead of ā€œIn God We Trust.ā€

FFRF produced this commercial, which first aired on ā€œCBS This Morningā€ and the ā€œMonday CBS Evening Newsā€ in 2012, in response to a remark by then-presidential candidate Rick Santorum, after he said JFKā€™s remark ā€œmakes me want to throw up.ā€

Ironically, FFRF had no trouble placing the JFK spot nationally on ā€œABC World News Tonightā€ on Sept. 24, 2016, to protest Pope Francisā€™ joint address to Congress.

ā€œThe deterioration of respect for the constitutional principle of separation between church and state is disheartening and alarming,ā€ says Gaylor. ā€œThis principle is all-American. We were first among nations to separate religion from government. The Founders never prayed during the Constitutional Convention that adopted our godless and entirely secular Constitution. They insisted there could be no religious test for public office. How has this basic and precious principle become so debased in our nation that a major network feels it is too hot to handle?ā€

Gaylor says the American public has no idea how much censorship nonbelievers encounter in seeking to disseminate their views. Print ads have been rejected by daily newspapers, including recently by the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times. FFRFā€™s billboards canā€™t ā€œplay in Peoriaā€ and many other cities around the nation.

But Gaylor says that the blackout by national networks is the most egregious. FFRF contends it is essential for freethinking voices to be heard in order for the United States to retain its secular republic.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is the nationā€™s largest association of freethinkers (atheists and agnostics) with more than 30,000 active members, and is a diligent watcher on the constitutional wall of separation between state and church.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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