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FFRF NY Times ad cautions readers about anti-women religious onslaught

NYT Ad Sept 2021The Freedom From Religion Foundation is running a full-page ad in Sunday’s New York Times asking people to counter the religiously inspired war on women’s rights.

The advertisement features a sketch of a “handmaid” in a reference to Margaret Atwood’s classic. “Roe v. Wade is in grave peril,” it warns.

The ad spotlights the recent egregious Texas abortion prohibition — and the U.S. Supreme Court’s nod to the anti-women measure.

“The Supreme Court majority ominously signaled its stunning hostility to reproductive rights by cruelly refusing to block the draconian ban on abortion in Texas,” it states. “It has also agreed to review an unconstitutional Mississippi ban.”

And the ad puts the national anti-abortion campaign in the full context.

“Emboldened Christian nationalists in state governments have ramped up their relentless, religiously motivated war on abortion,” it cautions. “Our federal judiciary has been stacked with Trump-appointed extremists.”

The ad calls on New York Times readers to mobilize in defense of secular values.

“Join FFRF in defending the treasured constitutional principle of separation between state and church, and in our call for court reform,” it concludes. “Support FFRF in our vital work for emancipation from religious dogma.”

FFRF is placing the advertisement in the country’s most prominent paper because it is deeply concerned about the state of women’s rights in the country.

“Things haven’t been this dire in a long time,” says Annie Laurie Gaylor, FFRF co-president. “‘Freethinkers need to come together to uphold the Constitution.”

The educational ad was made possible thanks to the generosity of FFRF members donating to FFRF’s Advertising Fund.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a national nonprofit organization with more than 35,000 members across the country. FFRF protects the constitutional separation between state and church and educates about nontheism.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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