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FFRF demands religious promotion cease at Wis. school


The Freedom From Religion Foundation is asking a Wisconsin school district to restrain a school board member from promoting his personal religious beliefs at school events.

A concerned resident of Appleton, Wis., contacted FFRF to report that local media published an article stating that a member of the Appleton North High School Board, Alvin Dupree, spoke at the high schoolā€™s graduation as part of the program. Dupreeā€™s speech promoted Christianity, referring to ā€œJesus Christ.ā€ Dupree also gave a presentation to a local political party entitled ā€œPlacing God in the Classroom.ā€

In a letter sent to the Appleton Area School District, FFRF informed the district superintendent that it is unconstitutional for school district representatives to promote religion during school-sponsored events. ā€œAs a member of the school board, Dupree obviously speaks on the school districtā€™s behalf when he speaks at a high school graduation,ā€ writes FFRF Staff Attorney Ryan Jayne. ā€œHis presentation on ā€˜Placing God in the Classroomā€™ further suggests that Dupree intends to use his position on the school board to promote his personal religion to district students.ā€

Some of Dupreeā€™s religious comments were made in reference to the family of a recently deceased student. FFRF notes that students who have just lost a classmate are uniquely vulnerable to religious coercion. Thus, it is particularly important for the school district to remain religiously neutral when discussing such a sensitive topic.

The Supreme Court has continually struck down religious promotion at school-sponsored events, including public school graduations. This matter is well settled: High school graduations must be secular to protect the freedom of conscience of all students.

Local news coverage has described Dupree as ā€œspeaking for himselfā€ at the graduation. FFRF disputes this. Dupreeā€™s position as a school board member speaking at a district-sponsored event makes the districtā€™s endorsement of his religious statements clear.

ā€œAny reasonable person would understand Dupreeā€™s Christian promotion to represent the beliefs of the entire school district,ā€ says FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. ā€œThis is divisive and alienates the 35 percent of millennials who are nonreligious during a salient moment in their years of education.ā€

FFRF is requesting a written assurance that Dupree will not promote religion while acting in his capacity as a district representative in the future. FFRF has also requested access to public records of Dupreeā€™s remarks.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a Wisconsin-based national nonprofit organization with roughly 30,000 members across the country, including more than 1,300 members in Wisconsin. FFRFā€™s purposes are to protect the constitutional principle of separation between state and church, and to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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