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Boy Scouts of America Resolution

This Boy Scout Resolution is online at the The Boy Scouts of America web page.

WHEREAS the Resolutions Committee of the Boy Scouts of America (on behalf of the Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America) on June 1, 2001, assigned the Relationships Committee of the Boy Scouts of America with the responsibility for considering and making recommendations to the Executive Board with respect to various resolutions submitted by members of the National Council at the Annual Meeting concerning the appropriate flexibility to be employed by the Boy Scouts of America in establishing standards for leadership, and

WHEREAS the Relationships Committee duly formed a Task Force on Resolutions, composed of a cross section of representatives from the religious and civic chartered organizations and others represented in Scouting, to consider these resolutions and make recommendations to the Relationships Committee, and

WHEREAS the Task Force has reported the results of its thoughtful and extensive deliberations to the Relationships Committee which submitted the report to the Relationships/Marketing Group Committee, both of these committees having approved and adopted the Report of the Task Force on Resolutions as their own, and

WHEREAS the national officers, having received and considered the Report, unanimously adopt the recommendations of the Report without reservation, and

WHEREAS the national officers agree with the report that “duty to God is not a mere ideal for those choosing to associate with the Boy Scouts of America; it is an obligation” which has defined good character for youth of Scouting age throughout Scouting’s 92 year history and that the Boy Scouts of America has made a commitment “to provide faith-based values to its constituency in a respectful manner,” and

WHEREAS the national officers agree that “conduct of both Scouts and Scouters must be in compliance with the Scout Oath and Law” and that “membership is contingent upon one’s willingness to accept the values and standards espoused by the Boy Scouts of America,” and

WHEREAS the national officers further agree that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the traditional values espoused in the Scout Oath and Law and that an avowed homosexual could not serve as a role model for the values of the Oath and Law, and

WHEREAS the national officers reaffirm that, as a national organization whose very reason for existence is to instill and reinforce values in youth, BSA’s values cannot be subject to “local option” choices, but must be the same in every unit, and

WHEREAS the Boy Scouts of America respects the right of persons and individuals to hold values and standards different than the Boy Scouts of America, the national officers also agree that Boy Scouts of America is entitled to expect that persons and organizations with different values and standards will nevertheless respect those of the Boy Scouts of America, and

THEREFORE, the national officers recommend that the National Executive Board affirm that the Boy Scouts of America shall continue to follow its traditional values and standards of leadership.

The Boy Scouts of America

Freedom From Religion Foundation

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