Tis the season . . . for state/church violations and this week's program briefly updates seasonal violations, including an interview with a brave county board supervisor, Robert Sinklair of Sauk County, Wis., who is opposing the nativity scene at his county courthouse. An NBC camera crew filmed the segments dealing with the "real reason of the season" and seasonal state/church violations for a (brief) segment on the Dec. 20 NBC Evening Nightly News. A few cuts from the recording ran. Spurred by the Golden Compass controversy, Freethought Radio devotes the second half of its program to an entertaining guide to freethought in the flicks, playing clips from movies with nontheist themes or characters. Don't miss a fun show! Features "O, Isthmus Tree" song by folksinger Ken Lonnquist.
Guest: County Sup. Robert Sinklair, government creche opponent