Religious War Against Gay Rights

Features a special look at the growing religion-based assault against gay rights around the country. Interviewed: former FFRF staff member Ellen Masters, a lesbian mom in a committed relationship who talks about what it’s like to be denied equal rights under the law. Her interview is a sneak preview of Ellen’s article, The Churches Have Legalized Discrimination in America,” appearing in the September issue of Freethought Today. Dan Barker’s Pagan Pulpit looks at the biblical roots of homophobia. Kristin Lems’ timely song, “How Nice!” continues the theme. Robert Green Ingersoll (born on August 11) is profiled in Freethinkers Almanac. Accompanying music: “The Time to Be Happy Is Now,” words by Robert G. Ingersoll, music by Dan Barker (with backup children’s choir). (MP3, 47 min, 21.4 MB)”

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Freedom From Religion Foundation