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URGENT: Oppose extremist Steve Menashi’s confirmation to appeals court

Last month, we asked you to help us oppose the lifetime appointment of yet another conservative ideologue, former White House counsel Steven Menashi to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals. Menashi is scheduled for a vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee tomorrow, so please take a moment to voice your opposition to his confirmation one more time today.

Menashi has a long history of undermining equality for women and LGBTQ Americans, as well as a history of inflammatory rhetoric surrounding religious issues. We need your help to stop his confirmation in the U.S. Senate.

Menashi has adopted the rhetoric of the Family Research Council — whose stated purpose is “to advance faith, family and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview” — erroneously calling Plan B (emergency contraception) “an abortifacient.” In 2015, he called religious exemptions from civil rights laws and the inclusion of religious groups in publicly funded programs “victories” for religious liberty. He called the president of People for the American Way “hysterical” for opposing state funding of religious schools.

As a White House lawyer, Menashi has worked closely with Senior Advisor to the President Stephen Miller on advancing Trump’s draconian immigration policy. He also acted as Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ right-hand man in policies to undermine protections for sexual assault survivors, students of color and victims of fraudulent for-profit colleges.

Perhaps most troubling is Menashi’s refusal to answer questions about many of his past opinions in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. His silence suggests that he would abuse a lifetime appointment to the federal bench to advance his personal dogmatic beliefs.

Please use our simple, automated system to contact your senators and urge them to oppose Menashi’s confirmation to the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Click on the red “Take Action!” button and feel free to use or adapt the talking points provided.


Freedom From Religion Foundation