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URGENT: No confirmation until after inauguration!



President Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett — a religious fanatic and darling of the Religious Right — to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court would be a disaster for our nation’s future. This nomination is not only an insult to the memory of Ginsburg, who dedicated her life to equal justice under the law, but it is an overt act to erase everything she stood for.

Barrett’s confirmation would put everything at risk, including state/church separation, reproductive rights, environmental protection and LGBTQ equality. We have no time to waste. Please contact your senators immediately to oppose Barrett’s confirmation.

Read FFRF’s full statement on why Barrett, if confirmed, would complete the Christian Nationalist takeover of the high court for more than a generation.


  1. Email and call your senators. Please feel free to use or adapt the talking points provided. Personalized messages and phone calls are always the most effective.
  2. Share information about Barrett’s record and about what’s at stake on social media.
  3. Urge five people you know to also call their senators to oppose this confirmation.
  4. Support the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Join if you are not currently a member; if you are, please consider a donation to FFRF’s Legal Fund.

Freedom From Religion Foundation