Tell your senators: Don’t use crisis to attack public education


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has introduced a stimulus bill that would grant Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos — who once referred to public education as a “dead end” — broad authority to disregard existing protections for vulnerable students.

We need your help to ensure that lawmakers do not exploit our current international crisis to expand their dangerous agenda.

If passed, this “Phase 3” coronavirus stimulus package would give DeVos sweeping power to absolve public schools of their legal obligation to provide education for students with disabilities. Specifically, she would be able to abandon crucial requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the Higher Education Act (HEA) and the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act.

DeVos’ assault on public education, including her disdain for federal protections for students with disabilities, is rooted in her personal interest in promoting private, religious schools. This betrayal of the secular public school system was thoroughly aired during her confirmation hearing, but she was nevertheless confirmed by the same senators who are now considering giving her this sweeping power to undermine public school laws. We cannot allow this public health crisis to serve as an inroad into privatizing our public education system.

Please take a few moments to contact your U.S. senators and remind them that any final compromise on the coronavirus stimulus bill must not sacrifice our public education system. Click on the red “Take Action” link below and follow the prompt provided.


Freedom From Religion Foundation