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Tell your R.I. senator to ditch bigoted government bible study

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Rhode Island State Senator Harold Metts has partnered with Capitol Ministries to run a bible study in Providence. Capitol Ministries is well known for pushing a radical religious agenda on the Trump administration through White House bible studies. Please take action today to tell your senator to keep the Rhode Island state government secular.

Capitol Ministries is a Christian nationalist organization whose founder and president, Ralph Drollinger, teaches homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic bible studies to politicians across the country. Drollinger believes women with children shouldn’t be lawmakers. He believes same-sex marriage is “voided by God.” He “doesn’t tell lawmakers how to vote,” he just gives them a blueprint, and says, “you’ve got to be pretty stupid not to follow the blueprint.”

Drollinger and his White House bible study was likely behind, and vocally supported, Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ citation of Romans 13 to justify the administration’s family separation policy.  This same biblical passage has been used for centuries to justify otherwise indefensible laws, including slavery.

If you don’t want similar influence in the Rhode Island State House, please contact Senator Metts to ask him to discontinue his troubling partnership with this bigoted evangelical ministry.


Phone: (401) 272-0112

Email: [email protected]


Please feel free to copy and paste or customize the talking points provided below.You may also wish to write a letter to the editor or use social media to express your concerns.

As your constituent, I’m writing to urge you to end your disturbing partnership with Capitol Ministries and its president, Ralph Drollinger.

Capitol Ministries is a disgraceful and dangerous organization that has become well known for teaching homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic bible studies to politicians across the country, including the White House. They are the driving force behind Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ biblical justification for family separation, to give just one example.

Rhode Island lawmaking should be a secular process. There is no need for a bible study or ministry that is dedicated to pushing a religious agenda onto lawmakers and the people of Rhode Island, especially one with such a despicable record. Lawmakers are, of course, free to study whatever religion they wish on their own time, but not on taxpayers’ time and dime.

Rhode Island is better than this. Please withdraw your support of this hateful group’s ministry in Providence, and publicly disavow Capitol Ministries and Ralph Drollinger.

Freedom From Religion Foundation