Tell your lawmakers to hold child sexual abusers accountable!

Following the recent grand jury report detailing heartbreaking details of child sex abuse in the Catholic Church, pressure is mounting for state lawmakers to take action to stop this rampant, systemic abuse.

Predictably, the church and its sympathizers are pushing back and some Pennsylvania legislators are wavering. Bishops are pressuring lawmakers to maintain the status quo, rather than taking action to give victims justice and protect future Pennsylvania children from such abuse. In particular, Senator and Majority Leader Jake Corman, R-Senate District 34, appears to be a potential roadblock on this issue.

Please donā€™t let the Catholic Church continue its cover up. On Wednesday, August 29 at 1:00 p.m. in the Town of Bellefonte, protesters will gather to demand that Senator Corman place the interest of child victims ahead of the interests of pedophile priests and church bank accounts. Please consider joining this protest to show your support and to encourage Senator Corman to do the right thing.

Please also take a moment to email and call Senator Corman to tell him that you expect him to support legislation to protect Pennsylvania children from the Catholic Church, rather than protecting sexual abusers from law enforcement.


Email: [email protected]

Harrisburg office: (717)787-1377


Please feel free to copy and paste or customize the talking points provided below.

As a Pennsylvania voter, I am dismayed and outraged over the findings of the grand jury report about crimes committed against children by Catholic Church officials. Regardless of political affiliation or beliefs, Pennsylvanians certainly agree that this type of reprehensible abuse, and the Catholic Churchā€™s systematic efforts to cover it up, are unforgivable and must stop.

As majority leader, youā€™re in a position to help these survivors of child sexual abuse. I know youā€™re under pressure by church lobbyists to instead protect the church and clergy sex abusers. I urge you to do the right thing, the only moral response: Hold the church, and serial sexual predators accountable.

The whole world is watching. This is your chance to show that you will stand up to protect victims of child sexual abuse rather than shield their abusers. Please support all efforts to extend or better yet eliminate the statute of limitations on these crimes. Do everything in your power to ensure that state laws will not stand between child sex victims and justice.

Freedom From Religion Foundation