Tell New Philadelphia Schools to hold firm on removal of 10 Commandments display

Last week, New Philadelphia City Schools in Ohio removed a Ten Commandment plaque from Welty Middle School after FFRF lodged a complaint against the unconstitutional religious display. Districts commonly receive negative pushback from discontented community members after they take down religious paraphernalia in compliance with the First Amendment.

Today, evangelist Franklin Graham took to social media to condemn the decision and to leverage his millions of followers across the country to bully the district into putting the plaque back up on school property.

It is important that secular Americans provide a counterweight to this criticism and commend the district for rectifying this violation. Please contact New Philadelphia Superintendent David Brand to show your support for the removal of the religious plaque.

Click here to send an e-mail to the superintendent.


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I want to thank you for removing the Ten Commandments plaque from Welty Middle School and protecting the true religious freedom of all students and families in the district. This decision was the right one, and I encourage you to hold firm and keep the plaque off of school property.

Freedom From Religion Foundation