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Tell Nebraska gov. to rescind call to “pray to end abortion”


Last week, Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts issued a proclamation to mark Jan. 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, as a “Statewide Day of Prayer to End Abortion.” Ricketts declares that it is “right and fitting that the citizens of the state of Nebraska are urged to pray for an end to abortion.” It’s critical Ricketts hears from you — his constituent — that these draconian religious views do not align with the popular will of Nebraskans.

The Nebraska government has no business — and no power — to tell citizens when or whether to pray, much less what to pray about.

The proclamation treats a constitutionally protected right — a right the U.S. Supreme Court recognized in Roe v. Wade — as though it were unlawful. It wrongly declared that “Nebraska is a pro-life state.” In fact, more Nebraskans — 50 percent — think abortion should be legal in all or most cases than think it should be illegal (46 percent). Ricketts is abusing the power of his office to erroneously declare a minority religious view to be official state policy.

FFRF sent a letter of complaint to Ricketts last week urging him to get off his knees and instead get to work to protect established constitutional principles as his oath of office demands of him.

Here’s how you can object:

  • Click on the red “Take Action” link below to contact Ricketts’ office by email or phone to urge him to rescind this proclamation. Calls are the most effective method of getting the attention of elected officials. Please feel free to use or adapt the talking points provided.
  • Tweet Gov. Ricketts (@GovRicketts) with a message about your opposition.
  • Consider writing a letter to the editor against this in your local paper.


Freedom From Religion Foundation