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Tell Gov. Ducey it’s wrong and dangerous to discourage masking in schools

Back in August, we asked you to contact LINK Gov. Doug Ducey and tell him to stop his anti-science voucher program. He is now taking it an egregious step further by using federal Covid relief funds to only help schools without a mask mandate — in open defiance of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This reckless decision will encourage schools to get rid of mandates already in place, further encouraging rather than discouraging the spread of the virus. 

Ducey’s program will give private school vouchers to parents who object to public school masking or quarantine policies. Just last week, Ducey’s office sent a letter to the U.S. Treasury Department indicating it will continue to defy the department’s demand that he stop raiding the fund for this illegitimate purpose.

Please take a few moments to contact Gov. Ducey and urge him to stop these policies and programs by clicking the “Take Action” button below.


As an Arizonan, I am deeply troubled that our state is not listening to science and is instead proposing policies that will make the pandemic worse by pumping federal Covid relief funds into a program designed to discourage schools from taking life-saving measures to combat a global pandemic. Please rescind your announced misuse of COVID-19 relief funds.

Arizona’s voucher program has had a terrible history of fraud and abuse. Siphoning public school Covid relief funds to religious private schools and opportunistic bureaucrats without any measurable benefit to students who receive vouchers, while refusing the funds to schools that are protecting students, is inexcusable. The program should, once again, be ended — not expanded.


Freedom From Religion Foundation