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Take Urgent Action: Tell your assemblyperson and state senator to repeal Wis. abortion ban

Gov. Tony Evers recently announced a special legislative session to finally overturn Wisconsin’s archaic 1849 law criminalizing abortion. FFRF is requesting you to urge your state representative and senator to vote accordingly. 

The Freedom From Religion Foundation’s home state of Wisconsin is one of nine states with an abortion ban that predates Roe v. Wade. The 173-year-old statute, which long antedates reproductive medical advances and even women’s right to vote, will go into immediate effect should the Supreme Court strike down Roe. That 1973 landmark ruling is expected to be repealed, as indicated by Justice Samuel Alito’s leaked draft opinion in May. Wisconsin’s pre-Civil War law criminalizing abortion would fine and imprison for up to six years physicians who perform abortions. As you are aware, the only organized opposition to legal abortion is religious lobbies.

Please contact your state legislators to vote to repeal this bill during this high-stakes special legislative session. If this criminal law goes into effect, it will create chaos, suffering, and inequity and endanger the health, lives and future of  Wisconsin women.

Anti-abortion legislators have already vowed to end the special session immediately, without taking any action. We need to apply pressure so that they know Wisconsinites want them to act



Freedom From Religion Foundation