Take action! Urge your rep to sponsor ‘Health Share Transparency Act’

Please use our automated system to contact your U.S. representative now to urge them to co-sponsor a vital bill to protect consumers from duplicitous health care sharing ministries.

U.S. Rep. Jared Huffman, co-chair of the Congressional Freethought Caucus, is seeking original co-sponsors before he introduces the “Health Share Transparency Act.” We’re sending this request to you because your member of Congress is a likely sponsor whose support will increase the chances that the bill advances.

Health Care Sharing Ministries (HCSMs) are a form of health coverage (but not insurance) in which members — who typically share a religious belief — make monthly payments to cover expenses of other members. HCSMs don’t have to comply with the consumer protections of the Affordable Care Act, don’t have to cover routine care or medications, can drop coverage for almost any reason (including a preexisting condition), aren’t regulated and can hide information about their terms. HCSMs are jeopardizing the health and well-being of a reported 1.5 million Americans through deceptive marketing practices and their systemic failure to provide necessary products and services for the consumers to whom they offer “coverage.”

Please take a moment now to contact your rep and urge him or her to co-sponsor the Health Share Transparency Act.

(If you have not previously signed up for action alerts using FFRF’s new system, which debuted Feb. 3, 2022, there is a one-time requirement to fill in your name, email and address. Then our system will remember you and connect you to the correct governmental offices. (If you move addresses, please update this information accordingly.)


Freedom From Religion Foundation