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TAKE ACTION: Urge North Carolina representatives to oppose anti-LGBTQ+ legislation

Benson We the People Web 3

A North Carolina bill needs to be stopped!

S 49 has been modeled after Florida’s controversial “Don’t Say Gay” bill and is threatening to restrict education in North Carolina. Please take a moment to urge your state representative to vote against this bill!

S 49 will prohibit publicly funded elementary schools from discussing in grades K-4 the existence of transgender people. Additionally, teachers would be required to inform parents if their child requests to use a different name or pronouns, regardless of age. This bill comes amid an escalating religiously founded fear campaign aimed at the LGBTQ+ community, and will threaten marginalized communities all across North Carolina!

Please take a moment to contact your representative and ask for a vote against this harmful bill! We have included suggested language through the Take Action link, which you may customize as you see fit.


Freedom From Religion Foundation