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TAKE ACTION: Urge Nebraska legislative committee to vote “no” on anti-abortion bill

Keep Abortion Legal US Capitol AA

Members of the Nebraska Legislature are trying to curb reproductive rights even further! LB 626 is a dangerous bill that would restrict abortion access once a fetal heartbeat is detected. Please take a moment to urge the Nebraska Legislative Committee on Health and Human Services to vote “no” on LB 626.

Currently, Nebraska’s abortion ban arbitrarily goes into effect at 20 weeks. Now, they want to restrict access even further. This bill would generally limit abortions to the first six weeks of pregnancy, when the signs of a heartbeat are most often first detected. Many women are unaware that they are pregnant this early, dooming them to carry a potentially unwanted pregnancy. In a post-Roe America, this is another clear attack against women’s reproductive rights by religiously motivated anti-abortion groups putting the life of the fetus before the life of the woman.

This bill will be heard on Feb. 1, so please act soon to urge the committee to reject its passage! You may either use the prompt provided or customize it to how you see fit. You may also leave comments for the committee by clicking here. For best results, please be succinct and polite.




Freedom From Religion Foundation