TAKE ACTION: Urge Iowa legislators to vote “no” on upcoming voucher bills

Classroom AA Small

Your public tax dollars are on the chopping block! The Iowa Legislature will soon vote on the “Students First Act” (House File 68/Senate File 94), which would seek to create a school voucher program using public funds. Please take a moment and urge your legislators to vote “no” on these bills.

Under the guise of “school choice,” taxpayer dollars have long been funneled to religious institutions. This proposed program is no different. These bills seek to fund private education — often religious education — with taxpayer dollars. In short, voucher programs run counter to the free education system that America was founded on by forcing taxpayers to fund private religious institutions. This prevents proper funding for public schools and creates a system of social inequity.

Please urge your legislators to vote against this set of bills, either by using the provided prompt or by personalizing it to your liking. For best results, be succinct and polite.




Freedom From Religion Foundation