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TAKE ACTION: Urge a Missouri Senate committee to vote against religion in school

Classroom AA Small

Missouri lawmakers are attempting to bring Christianity to public schools! Senate Bill 34 would give public schools the option to offer courses teaching the bible, including the Old Testament, to students. 

SB 34 will be heard on Tuesday, Feb. 7, by the Missouri Senate Committee of Education and Workforce Development, so please act quickly to keep churches out of schools! Under this bill public school classes will be able to focus on the contents, history, literary structure and societal influences of religious texts over time. While seemingly innocuous, this clear indoctrination attempt will force taxpayer dollars to go toward endorsing Christianity, and threatens the very nature of state/church separation.

These classes would begin almost immediately after the bills passage, so please don’t delay in making your voice heard! You may either use the prompt provided, or may customize it to suit your opinion. For best results, please be succinct and polite.





Freedom From Religion Foundation