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Take action: Tell your SC state senator to reject abortion ban

South Carolina lawmakers are on the verge of passing a near-total abortion ban. Please take a moment to urge your state senator to reject this catastrophic bill.

House Bill 5399 would ban all abortions in South Carolina, other than narrow exceptions in the first trimester for cases of rape and incest, and for the life of the pregnant person. The initial version did not even include those protections. Hardline zealot legislators are still pushing for a total ban even as colleagues point out that doing so would force young girls to carry to term a pregnancy that results from rape by a family member.

Secular voices must speak out in force against these religious-based assaults on reproductive freedom. HB 5399 would create senseless chaos, suffering, and inequity, and endanger the health, lives and future of South Carolina women.

The bill has a Senate hearing next Tuesday, and will likely face a vote by the full state senate soon after, so your senator needs to hear from you right away. Use our automated system with suggested talking points, or write your own. For best results, be concise and polite.

Please tell your state senator to vote no to help keep abortion care available in South Carolina by pressing the “Take Action” button below.


Freedom From Religion Foundation